

We have music for you … (8)


Dear Friends,
tomorrow we will present you a very special song. It has a long history, reaching from our present 21st millennium way down to the year 1985. Back then Bernhard, Rick and me were writing music for our second album. This song was originally planned to be part of a series of three or four continuous pieces telling of a little boy who grows up alone in an abandoned house only supported by strange technical devices and a dubious entity who speaks to him via a television set. I spare you the full story, but it made perfect sense in the general concept of AFTERNOONS IN UTOPIA. Anyhow I had serious problems writing the words for the song, no matter how hard I tried. After days I finally ended up with a couple of really frustrating and forgettable lines and besides time pressure I have to blame Bernhard and Rick persuading me to sing them (Shame on you, guys!). To cut a long story short it was the beginning of a quite intense hate story most of you know too well.
And now the happy end. When we were asking you for ideas for some cheery lyrics, you threw lots of nice suggestions at us and there was one ingenious guy (forgot his name, sorry), who recommended to use the music of the above mentioned song for it. And that is what we have done. So tomorrow you will be presented to another great example of a collaboration between us and you, accompanied by another great video produced by Tobi and I have to thank you all for your input. And that I finally came to terms with that infamous ditty. I hope, you like what we did, but if not, don’t tell me.
Marian Gold

(Marian Gold, May 10th, 2020)


Postfach 38 01 11
14111 Berlin

Management | Christian Mielke
Please note: this is a business contact, only.

Booking | Christian Mielke
Please note: this is a business contact, only.

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