



What left Gold speechless? What about a time travel? Please check out the third excerpt from the interview with Gold below.
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Excerpt no.3 from an interview by AudioBlitzen, January 27 1991 with Marian Gold

Blitzen: Tell us about the time when you were writing the song.
Gold: Well, my girlfriend had…

Blitzen (interrupts): I mean, not about your personal situation. You stated before that the song had something to do with the times of the Shoa. Had there been a public discussion about it in 1989? And how come that somebody who is known for, if you may excuse me, polished, superficial ditties, writes about such a serious issue?
Gold: You mean, I have no right to speak about things like that?

Blitzen: Ok, lets push this question aside. But what about the Shoa?
Gold: It came from the music. It left me speechless. That’s why I used words from Paul Celan’s poem „Todesfuge“. My own words refused to pass my lips. They had no right to talk about what came across through the music. Because they were MY words.

Blitzen: And then the whole song became an expression of that speechlessness? That seems contradictory to me.
Gold: If you want to know about an expression of speechlessness, go to the Brandenburger Tor in Berlin and walk about in the Holocaust monument.

Blitzen: And you think it is a good monument?
Gold: Yes.

Blitzen: Why do you think so?
Gold: Because it is very hard to destroy.

VOOV systems


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