Alphaville Schlagerboom Silvester 2024

OUT NOW on our YouTube channel! 2024 ended with a (Schlager)boom! After performing ‘Big in Japan’ & ‘Forever Young’ live in Munich, we danced into the new year with you <3

OUT NOW: “Forever Young” David Guetta, Alphaville, Ava Max

In September 1984 we released our third single „Forever Young“. Now, 40 years later, we look back on the grand journey it has taken us on. And it doesn‘t stop! Today, together with the fantastic @davidguetta and marvellous @avamax we released a new version of this evergreen. 🎶 So, let‘s all dance into the weekend together! 🕺🏻🎉🚀 LISTEN HERE […]

“FOREVER! BEST OF 40 YEARS”: 27 September 2024

Dear UNIVERSE, we’re very excited to finally be able to share with all of you what’s been cooking behind the scenes of Alphaville: In celebration of our 40th anniversary this year, we’ll be releasing our first ever anthology FOREVER! BEST OF 40 YEARS on 27 September 2024 with Warner Music Central Europe! It has been […]

Happy Anniversary “Afternoons in Utopia”!

(english version below) Afternoons in Utopia! Irgendwo muss ich diesen Titel aufgeschnappt haben. Es existiert ein gleichnamiges Buch von Stephen Butler Leacock. Ich habs nie gelesen. Was mich an diesem Begriff reizte war seine Atmosphäre. Einmal wirken “Nachmittage in Utopia” entspannt und friedlich, andererseits verströmen sie ein Gefühl allmählichen Verlöschens von etwas ehedem Strahlendem, darin […]

“Big In Japan” live @ Thommys Popshow extra (1984)

40 years ago today, BIG IN JAPAN went all the way to the top of the Official German Singles Chart for the first time! In celebration, we dug up one of our favourite performances of the song that year at ‘Thommy’s Popshow extra’ and had it upgraded Enjoy it like it’s 1984! Read the description […]


Marian Gold on Alphaville’s very first TV appearance on the ZdF TV show “Flashlights”. If you want to step into the limelight for the first time in your life with a few decent songs, and suddenly the world that previously ignored you is spinning like a carousel gone mad, then a prime-time TV date doesn’t […]


Nochmal ein riesengroßes DANKESCHÖN an alle, die an diesem tollen Projekt mitgewirkt haben! ETERNALLY YOURS Alphaville


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14111 Berlin

Management | Christian Mielke
Please note: this is a business contact, only.

Booking | Christian Mielke
Please note: this is a business contact, only.

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