Dear Friends,
Lily asked me to comment on the twelve monthly motifs featured inside this year’s Alphaville calendar, which I gladly will do. So, what have we here. Alpha boy and Alpha girl standing on a snowy hill waving happily. Where the hell are we? Answer is: we are in Lycksele, Lappland, somewhere up Northern Sweden. It was the 23rd of April 2016 and in fact it was a remarkable day, namely not only because we were about to play a show here in the middle of nowhere. It was the day when the crew of Alphaville found its final completion as we know it to this day.
So, what had happen? Maja, our most brilliant previous bassguitar-woman had quit in favour for other projects in her home town Hamburg. Christian, our manager, remembered that girl from Bavaria, who had contacted us shortly after the auditions with Maja. It seemed obvious to ask her to fill in. Would she be available after all these years? Another problem was we had no time for rehearsals or anything else except the soundcheck for the actual gig. On April 23 2016 Alex arrived at our hotel. She didn’t seem to be worried at all. Then we did that soundcheck and it felt as if she had always played with us. The photo, where we see Alex and Jakob perform on that snowy hill features a moment of great relief. We were complete and ready to rock.
Welcome again, Alexandra!
Marian Gold